Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011


Some humanoid or drone Culture citizens have long names, often with seven or more words. Some of these words specify the citizen's origin (place of birth or manufacture), some an occupation, and some (chosen later in life by the citizen themselves) may denote specific philosophical or political alignments, or make other similarly personal statements. An example would be Diziet Sma, whose full name is Rasd-Coduresa Diziet Embless Sma da' Marenhide:
  • Rasd-Coduresa is the planetary system of her birth, and the specific object (planetorbitalDyson sphere, etc.). The -sa suffix is roughly equivalent to -er in English. By this convention, Earth humans would all be named Sol-Terrasa (or Sun-Earther).
  • Diziet is her given name. This is chosen by a parent, usually the mother.
  • Embless is her chosen name. Most Culture citizens choose this when they reach adulthood (according to The Player of Games this is known as "completing one's name"). As with all conventions in the Culture, it may be broken or ignored: some change their chosen name during their lives, some never take one.
  • Sma is her surname, usually taken from one's mother.
  • da' Marenhide is the 'house'/estate she was raised within, the da' or dam being similar to von in German. (The usual formation is damda' is used in Sma's name because the house name begins with an M, eliding an awkward phoneme repetition.)
Iain Banks has given his own Culture name as "Sun-Earther Iain El-Bonko Banks of Queensferry".

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