Kamis, 15 September 2011

Karimunjawa is an archipelago of 27 islands in the Java Sea, Indonesia, approximately 80 kilometres northwest of Jepara. The islands' name means 'a stone's throw from Java' in Javanese. They have a total land area of 78 km2. The main island is known as Karimun (2,700 ha), while the second largest island is Kemujan (1,400 ha). The islands' population is 6,632 (as of 1997) who inhabit seven of the islands.

Five of these islands are domestically inhabited and together with 22 others from the four major zones; Zone I is the core sanctuary area and is out of bounds to all, Zone 2 is the wilderness area open to limited tourism, Zone 3 is the utilization area, Zone 4 is the buffer zone.
For visitor to the Park, expect a very pleasant welcome by the information staff, and an exciting range of flora and fauna to discover both above and below the water.The reefs harboring 35 types of hard corals, sponges, gorgonian, soft and red corals and an amazing 240 plus variety of fish.
A special bonus for the interpid is wreck diving at the island of Batu Kunci, Karang Kapal, Karang Ketel, and Batulawang. Best time for weather is April to November with the rainy season peaking between December and February.
Up to this date Karimunjawa has 12 dive sites. Most of the diving is done on the fringing reefs around the islands, as well as submerged reefs, and shipwrecks. The sites are all to the west of the main island

Kartini Jepara Beach City

Jepara Kartini Jepara Beach City other than the city is famous for its carvings, it also has natural beauty that is very nice, especially with the natural beauty of the beach. As a city located in the northern part of the island of Java would not be surprised if Jepara again there is a beach that is long enough. One of the beaches are very easy to use Kartini beach. Kartini beach is very easy to get, because it was very close to the town of Jepara Terminal from the terminal you can walk or ride a rikše Beach kartini. Out there than we can enjoy the beautiful beaches of Kartini we can also enjoy a boat or a boat on Long Island or even on Karimun island. Although the beaches around kartini we can enjoy a variety of facilities and entertainment for children, such as rabbits, trains, cars and motorcycles with ACCU for children as well as a variety of souvenirs from the town of Jepara.

batik troso

As well as carving, Jepara also has potential interesting to discuss. It was none other than woven fabrics produced in the industrial district of Jepara Troso Weaving, located in the village district of Jepara regency Troso Pecangaan.

jepara is my city

Jepara is famous for its carving craft.. I was born there.
many beautiful places there. my house near the sea, I love the sea. It's cool.

I want to fly away .....

I want to fly away .....
not bound by anything ....
there is no pressure to always bother my soul to my body is too fragile

aku ingin terbang bebas..

aku ingin terbang bebas.....
tak terikat oleh apapun....
tak ada tekanan yang selalu mengganggu jiwaku
hingga ragakupun rapuh

embun hati

aku ada, tapi terasa tak ada
ku merasa slalu terabaikan
kapankah aku benar2 kau anggap ada?
kini hatiku mulai berembun
jangan kau biarkan terus !
sudah terlalu basah hati ini,
jangan sampai membanjiri

datanglah hujan

tanah, tumbuhan, hewan, serta makhluk2 hidup lainnya sudah rindu akan hujan
apakah ini pertanda mau kiamat? hingga musim kemarau semakin lama?
hujan ayolah datang!
tetesanmu adalah kehidupan kami
tapi jangan kau berlebihan
hingga kehidupan kami bisa hilang

mimpi buruk

Beberapa hari ini aku sering bermimpi. Dalam mimpi-mimpiku aku melihat orang meninggal. 2 hari yang lalu aku bermimpi melihat temanku meninggal, sehari kemudian aku bermimpi ada tetanggaku meninggal, padahal itu semua tidak terjadi. dan semalam aku bermimpi melihat orang meninggal lagi.
mimpiku semalam adalah aku nyasar bersama adiku ke kuburan disiang bolong, kemudian  adiku terjatuh terbawa arus sungai. aku langsung ikut melompat untuk menolong adikku. Didalam sungai aku melihat adanya ruang seperti bangunan rumah yang terbuat dari batu, entah kenapa aku bisa bernafas didalamya,  lalu aku mencari adiku kesetiap sudut ruang, akhirnya aku menemukannya di suatu kamar. saat aku mau membawa adikku keluar, aku seakan akan melihat kejadian pembunuhan, yaitu seorang lelaki berambut panjang sedang membunuh seorang wanita. Tapi ketika aku keluar dari sungai, aku tak melihat seorangpun.
kemudian kita berjalan mau menuju rumah melewati sawah-sawah. disaat aku melihat pohon juwet ditengah sawah, aku melihat seperti ada sesuatu yang bergelantungan, ternyata itu adalah mayat seorang wanita, aku berlari berteriak ketakutan  minta tolong.... "tolong tolong ada mayat"

aku terbangun dari mimpi.
entah ertanda apa dari mimpi ini,
Semoga aku tak bermimpi melihat orang meninggal lagi



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